Published on June 19, 2009 By OFFICA WoD In WinCustomize Talk

Yep Stardock, im afraid to say that im slowly leaving you..........(not that its a massive deal to you guys)  ive been using your site for about 5 years now, and it just aint what it used to be. Paying for recoloured icons, average windowblinds, and to top it off, Icon Packager ALWAYS goes haywire, even on 4 computers, all various versions, and that still cant get right (icons always change to something else after applying package, or adding an icon yourself) Windowblinds borders not working properly, since version 6, My Colors.....well, where do i start, completley messes a system up with Windowblinds, to the point of unistall, re-install.... and you guys know this, but you still use the installer whatever. I truly belive not enough effort is made to fix these issues, instead you keep bringing out new products, without the proper support for these. (also had Natural Desktop a couple of years ago, and that also causes problems)


I notice other peoples comments the past couple of months, and i dont think im the only one. It almost seems like to much of a business now, the "raw" feeling of a couple of years ago has well and truly gone. Probably a sign of the times i guess. So, thx for a great lesson in customization, but i for one will not be renewing my subscription, but will be a casual user instead.



Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 19, 2009

If you haven't done so already, please send an email to and start a trouble ticket.  They will be happy to assist you in resolving your issues with the programs.  Yours is not a common problem.

on Jun 19, 2009

SEE YA! idk why poeple are bitching so much these a bunch of whiney sissies...i love stardock and i personally have never had an issue that an un-install and re-install couldnt fix...ITS SOFTWARE PEOPLE! systems change DAILY...updates added DAILY, so stardock has to try and keep on top of sorry your going to CASUAL USER OFFICA WOD, but give'em a break....they are doing what they can man....PEACE OUT ive said my piece....ALL HAIL STARDOCK! cause without them i'd prolly never want to use the computer, to hideous to look at


on Jun 19, 2009

In skinning the 'raw' feeling was about a decade ago, back when the vast majority of skinnable apps were more 'backyard' and 'grass roots' than what exists [survives] today.

Many current members were from that time...and were some of these 'grass root' skinnable developers/creators, some are still in the game [eg. JCRabbit], some aren't.

Likewise skinners come and moves on.  Even 'seniors' in the game suffer burn-out and need/take a break.

Ultimately it's all about involvement and conviction/devotion.  If you feel disenchanted - go.  That's life.

Others enjoy the ride.....the way things develop and evolve.  Look at SKS vs BB .... or WB1 vs 2, 3, or 6/7.

Heck....look at Win95.....then Win 7  [might be 88 smaller....but it's worlds apart as an OS....and its skinning is totally different].


Every now and then someone pipes up that the [skinning] world has gone to shit and the thrill is dead in the water.

It hasn't.

They're just jaded for whatever reason suits them.

Take a break....recharge batteries....keep one eye on the community....and the other on 'what's new' and if you are honestly into GUI'll be back...

on Jun 19, 2009

Been there, done that, came back, went away, was up, then down, back and fourth, round and round...

I can't say that I don't understand where you are coming from. The effort put forth in Master Skins these days is quite dissapointing. Granted most of the good ideas have been done, but not all. Becuase it involcves so much more skinning thsee days than it did years ago, I can't really blame them all too much.

Then comes along I.R. Braniac to  remind everyone what real passion in skinning is.

Gimme a good steam punk or just anything that is in the range of Old School. 

on Jun 19, 2009

Take a break....recharge batteries....keep one eye on the community....and the other on 'what's new' and if you are honestly into GUI'll be back...

This is what makes it worthwhile to stick around.

Hankers had a good thing going there as well. 

on Jun 19, 2009

Icon Packager ALWAYS goes haywire, even on 4 computers, all various versions, and that still cant get right (icons always change to something else after applying package, or adding an icon yourself) Windowblinds borders not working properly, since version 6, My Colors.....well, where do i start, completley messes a system up with Windowblinds, to the point of unistall, re-install.... and you guys know this, but you still use the installer whatever.

Wow, sounds like Stardock must be giving you a broken build specifically for your account with different code than the one that works for most people.

Oh wait...

Seriously, think about it for a second.  Thousands of users are using these same applications every day with no issue (myself included), but you run into issues, and you see a couple more people posting the same, and you think it's some failure on the part of the software developer?  Get a clue.  The version of IconPackager I use is the same one that you do, and I have no issues whatsoever.  This leads one to conclude that the software is not the issue, which leaves a system configuration problem or just plain user error.  A reliably reproduced bug is one thing and should probably be reported to their support people, but to say something like "Uh...IconPackager won't change my icons.  It must be a bug.  You guys need to fix it."  Is kind of like saying to Ford "Uh, my Mustang won't start.  You guys built it wrong.  Fix it."

Maybe if you were to provide a little more insight that just:

Icon Packager ALWAYS goes haywire, even on 4 computers, all various versions, and that still cant get right

I have no idea what this means.  I have to say that my IconPackager does not "ALWAYS go haywire".  But maybe if you took the time to say "IconPackager will not change my document icons when I use theme X after a reboot.  I have version X.XX" or something equally specific, then you might be able to find help.

Until then you're just a whiny troll, and most a lot(changed by popular demnad) of us honestly don't care.

on Jun 19, 2009

Until then you're just a whiny troll, and most of us honestly don't care.
Just because you don't care doesn't mean any one of  WC's milions of users don't care.  *I* happen to care. 

on Jun 19, 2009

We all get upset and think the old day were better, I do.  But we learn to live in the now and move on.

on Jun 19, 2009

I care

on Jun 19, 2009

Well said Jafo

on Jun 19, 2009

Until then you're just a whiny troll, and most of us honestly don't care.

Don't include me in the 'most of us'

on Jun 19, 2009

almost everyone i know has issues with IP applying icons, or loading packages, for me it's always been an issue.

I searched tons of diff. IP's this week trying to find a good one to match my current theme, The interface locked up more times than it didn't requiring me to kill the app and try again.

It's not uncommon and does need fixed. I understand your frustration to a point, I have lots of issues with WB I'd love fixed ... but hey.. I also want a real life... that ain't gonna happen anytime soon either.


C'est la vie

on Jun 19, 2009

hear hear fuzzy don't include me either

i care

don't need any one to speak for me


on Jun 19, 2009

Until then you're just a whiny troll, and most of us honestly don't care.

Not true, Vretil... OFFICA WoD Has been here awhile. He contributes and has a good reputation: But even if he didn't, I'd still care because he's one of the community.

Like anything else, there comes a time when frustrations and fatigue add up... and at that point, you can seek help for what's driving you nutz, or you can walk away. I have to agree with Jafo (even though I hate him  ) when he said:

Take a break....recharge batteries....keep one eye on the community....and the other on 'what's new' and if you are honestly into GUI'll be back...

on Jun 19, 2009

Edited above post due to the feedback above.  I would like to clarify that in the last line I am not referring to not caring about a member of the community, nor the fact that we would be losing one.  What I am referring to is the generic claims of broken applications:

almost everyone i know has issues with IP applying icons, or loading packages, for me it's always been an issue.

This is the stuff I'm talking about.  Nothing will ever be done by saing "IconPackager is broken." because clearly for the most part it isn't.  This applies to any Object Desktop application.  In my opinion this is polluting these forums to the point that no new user would want to even try these customization apps, because of the numerous "It doesn't work, this app is broke. Stardock needs to fix it." posts.  Like I said above:

A reliably reproduced bug is one thing and should probably be reported to their support people, but to say something like "Uh...IconPackager won't change my icons. It must be a bug. You guys need to fix it." Is kind of like saying to Ford "Uh, my Mustang won't start. You guys built it wrong. Fix it."

It's this sort of post that really gets to me.  Myself, I mean what I said.  If this is all you have to say about your issue, and can't take the time to at least try and describe and fix it, then I think you're just a troll and I really don't care.

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