Published on February 9, 2008 By OFFICA WoD In Icons
Hey all,

just got a new 24" monitor for my birthday (lucky boy), and would like to use bigger icons. Problem is i cant seem to resize them above 72 pixels. (with iconpackager)

So, anyone know how i can use large icons, 128 would be ideal.


on Feb 09, 2008

What OS are you running?

You need Icon Developer to actually resize icons.  In Vista, and don't ask why because nobody knows, if you don' have a 256x256 icon in the pack, it defaults to the lower icons.  So, chances are, you have 128x128 in the pack, but you are running Vista and it's using small icons because there is no 256x256

You can use the current Icon Developer to resize the pack to 256x256, though, and then it will be fine.

on Feb 09, 2008
hi karmaGirl,

im using XP pro.
The packages im using have 48, 68, 72, 128, 256 (most of them) but when i try the bigger sizes (anything above 72) (even if i have tagged the "use big icons box") they revert to something smaller.

Will it work, or should it work?


on Feb 09, 2008
You need to use a stardock program called Icon X....... As far as I know it's the only way to use big icons on the desktop. It can do lots of other things too though...... check it out. WWW Link

If you already have Object Desktop, then you already own this software......
on Feb 09, 2008
Cheers Boxxi,

i was thinking more overall sized icons..... not just the desktop.
on Feb 09, 2008
Heh! You want big icons?? Just move that slider in display properties until it reads 800x600....... Those suckers will look huge then!!  

on Feb 10, 2008

nice one....
on Feb 11, 2008
So no-one uses icons bigger than 72 pixles then?
on Feb 11, 2008
Anyone ever use the 'make the icons dance' function? I did once...chased 'em all over my screen I did. Damndest thing I ever saw. bad...wrong app...sorry. It was one of those (I don't remember the name)freebies from It auto hid the icons if you didn't move the cursor for more than five seconds, did drop shadows and a feww other things. After awhile it got to be a nuisance so I 86'ed it.
on Feb 11, 2008
For the desktop use Avedesk

WWW Link

It's free!
on Feb 11, 2008
hmmmmmmmm,mine wouldnt go past 72 either...which makes me ask,in XP,why do icon packs even go any higher than that?the old limit of 128 wasnt even good enough for Object DOck.

So where do large icons get used in XP?
on Feb 12, 2008
Exactually what i was thinking......
