can u use the address bar?
Published on July 27, 2006 By OFFICA WoD In WindowBlinds
hey all,.

first off, sorry for posting this here..............i really cant think/ find a section to put this in, as its not stricly anything to do with "windowblinds".

So, ok, on to my problem,

after much time spent, i am using the Styler toolbar, and im getting real used to it, and its cool.
BUT, i have 1 problem........ the address bar doesnt seem to be "live"? as in i cant find a drop down area......

I have tried several styles, some with address "arrows" some not, but none seem to work.

Can someone tell me what im doing wrong here please,

cheers folks,

on Jul 27, 2006
the address bar doesnt seem to be "live"? as in i cant find a drop down area

Normally I don't see a drop down area until I start typing. If you click in the bar and start typing "C: or D: etc" it will drop down on it's own.

I don't use IE so I can't help you there.
on Jul 27, 2006
So i cant press an "active" area for a dropdown "my computer/ documents/ drives" ect then.

on Jul 27, 2006
So i cant press an "active" area for a dropdown "my computer/ documents/ drives" ect then. seems to be just a "smart fill" list on all the versions & skins I've used.
In other words if you type in C:\A it will list all the directories that start with "A" under the root.

edit...I should mention if you just type in C: it drops down a "History" list type in a word and hit enter and it opens a web page.
on Jul 27, 2006
Cool, ok cheers bro
on Jul 30, 2006
Ok, heres one for ya,

how would i turn off the "Files Edit View Tools" ect toolbar off? (so that i al just left with the styler toolbar)?

10 points anyone?

thx, OFFI
on Jul 30, 2006
Double click on the Styler Icon located in the tray and choose the "Toolbar" tab from the config window. At the top left are 2 checkboxes one says "Hide Menubar (IE)" and the other says "Hide Menubar (Explorer)" Check one or both depending on what you want.
on Jul 31, 2006
Yeh man, got it!


I love it
